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Support System

 Ok friends, this is a pretty significant piece of the puzzle. Whose in your inner circle? And will they be supportive of your decision to be a surrogate? You're going to be asked by a surrogacy agency or intended parents, and for good reason. You're going to need help and you're going to want support.  My tribe consisted of my husband, 3 kids and my parents. They were my main support system. Their opinions mattered the most to me, but know you're going to get plenty of opinion and judgement from others. Its obvious to me, but its worth pointing out, that you NEED the total and absolute buy in from your significant other. If they have luke-warm feelings, doubts, and anxiety about it, then hit the pause button. They will be picking up the slack if you're not feeling well, watching kids while you go to appointments (no children were ever allowed at my fertility clinic!), and also fielding questions and an occasional eyebrow raise from others. Like it or not, their opi

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